Friday 23 August 2013


Lately I have been reading other blogs and forums and there is a new buzz
occurring on the beauty scene! Dove's Beauty Soap Bar has been making a name for itself and creating a reputation as the cure for most acne cases! I was excited to use try it straight away as this summer my skin had broken out bad. It's easily accessible and can be purchased in supermarkets and drugstores and for a fair price of £1.00 how could you say no? There are a number of different Dove Beauty Bars, some that contain different smells and work differently the one that myself and others like myself are recommended to use is Doves Beauty Bar Sensitive Skin. 
 It deep cleanses and moisturizes just like the original beauty bar however this one in particular is specifically designed for those with sensitive skin. If you are wondering "how do I know I have sensitive skin?" The factors to look out for are 

1. Redness and irritaion when using most products.
2. Frequent dry skin 
3. Frequent breakouts 
4. Acne 

All these factors determine how your skins defense system works. If you suffer from the above that means you have sensitive skin. Dove Beauty Bar Sensitive Skin contains less chemicals and no scents, fragrances or colorings. 

My progress for the past 2 weeks:
I use this beauty bar once of a morning and of a evening. If your skin drys out quickly I suggest that after using the beauty bar in the morning apply Dove's sensitive skin moisturizer it keeps your skin hydrated during the day and make a great makeup base. I wouldn't suggest to use a moisturizer after an evening application as when you sleep your skin begins to do the hard work of repairing itself, avoiding using a moisturizer allows the beauty bar to work with your skin thoroughly while you sleep. 
After 3 days I saw drastic results! The redness in my acne had descended and my acne itself began to go down. Now 2 weeks later all my acen bumps are gone and I am waiting for the marks to fully heal ( I am still using the beauty bar). Continue your routine and keep using the beauty bar twice a day as it assists your skin through the healing process and keeps further breakouts at bay. I have read some blogs and other reviews about the beauty bar and a lot of people have indicated that the sensitive skin range drys their skin out quicker than the original model. If this begins to happen to you remember my advice about the moisturizer or only use the beauty bar at night. 

Although this has worked wonders on me I cannot stress enough that those with server acne must visit their family doctor and have a consultation. Server cases of acne require antibiotic treatments or other forms of medication! 
I hope this works for everyone else like myself. You can look up more reviews on Dove's beauty bar and many have great things to say about it which means it must be effective!!! 

Keep up to date with my blog posts as I will post a update on my progress with the Beauty Bar! Xxxx

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